Sunday, 11 November 2012 at 02:38 | 0 Comment [s]
Assalamualaikum and hello visitorsss! What kind of MOOD I had now? Hmm, Happy? Not really. Sad? Obviously, YES. Lazy? That's what I'm talking about. Okay, today is Sunday and tomorrow is MONDAY. Monday is so irritating. But, tomorrow is a little different. Esok, adalah hari di mana kawan-kawan sekolah rendah saya akan digantikan dengan kawan-kawan baru di sekolah menengah. But, saya tetap bersyukur sebab bukan semua kawan-kawan sekolah rendah saya akan digantikan sebab sesetengah dari mereka goes into the same school with me. Well, that's a good news. And tomorrow would be the new chapter of my life. Bye primary school and hye to secondary school! I will miss you so much. SK. Lok Yuk is the place when I met with my friends, my beloved teachers and not forgotten, our Jordan Security. I will miss that two sweetest "Mak Cik". Okay, enough about the memories.Orientasi, is tomorrow. Saya harap saya dapat buat yang terbaik dekat test nanti. Hmm, ada test rupanya ORIENTASI ni. LOL. Test tu menentukan kelas mana yang akan kami masuk. Kalau markah soooopaaa GOOD, then we'll enter the soooopppaaa class. Kalau markah AHHA, gagal ='(. Then we'll enter the LOSER class. Orientasi -bagaikan- permulaan baru dalam hidup saya. Why? Cause I was born on 03-03-2000 and that <---- date was the date my life started. LOL, means. Sebabnya, the first chapter is closed. Then, the second chapter is about to open. Got it? Kalau tak faham lagi tidak tahu lah. And and and, ada satu budak perempuan ni. Namanya SHASHA. She studied at PEKAN sekolah dimana saya akan masuk bila sekolah menengah nanti. She dislikes me. I don't know why. I haven't met her yet. Tapi, dia sudah benci saya. Why why why? Only God knows the reasons. Asal dia chat dengan saya. Dekat Facebook. Mesti cari gara-gara ni. Kurang hobi kali. Asyik attack orang ja ni. Satu lagi. Izzat, gara-gara SAYA dia mahu bergaduh dengan Ivan and the gang. I don't know why. Izzat cakap yang Ivan mahuu bertumbuk dengan dia sebab Izzat lapor dekat SAYA yang Ivan tuh pondan. So what? Kenapa sebab SAYA dorang mau bergaduh? I really don't understand boys world and their problems. Apa-apa pun, I hope that budak IZZAT and IVAN & the gang tak jadi bergaduh. Adakah dorang suka saya? LOL, meradaX lagi ni. Tidak, memain ja. Okay, enough. Sakit tangan saya mau menaip ni. Ahaha, see you tomorrow kay. Assalamualaikum and bye visitorssssss! Btw, MERADAX tu means " MENGHANTAM " |
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