The Lil' Kid
Having a hard time here :3
Wendy Marcella
Officially out from 6 sekawan!
Tuesday 27 November 2012 at 02:47 | 0 Comment [s]

Assalamualaikum and hello readers! Toing-toing :) I'm back. Kay2, seems like everyone hates me, including the members of 6 sekawan, so... I'm officially out from 6 sekawan. Happy? If you're happy, then I'll happy. Wohoho, kinda sad but, life must go on. Don't ever look back to the past.

Thought I couldn't see without your perfect vision, thought I'll fail without you but I'm on top. So, enjoy your life without a PARASITE like me. Ohoho, parasite? It's suitable. Kay2, I'm happy here, watching your happiness together. Teda gangguan!

Actually, 6 sekawan was destroyed. Since one of YOUR member goes to another school. Then, no regrets. I want these moment is the moment all of us will remember. I'll be your enemy. You like it? Mau ka jdi musuh sejati saya? If u want then, okay. Jeling2 kita nanti kalau jumpa. Lucu pula.

Malas lah mau bergaduh. Lama-lama saa mau bunuh diri. So, supaya semua orang senang, I walked away from 6 sekawan. Terutamanya kau Nabella, saa tau kau benci saya, kau cakap saya melebih-lebih. Ohoho, memang saa terlebih. Semoga kau happy dan mudah-mudahan kau akan jumpa BFF lain, lebih bagus dari c PARASITE ni :) Amin..

Done? NOT YET darlingss. Even though I want next year is the year of the year of my life, but, I cancelled it. Since everyone hates me. I can't be happy without any friends by my side. But, LIFE MUST GO ON babess!! I don't know when my life would ends. I just have to wait. Maybe, kalau saya mati, semua orang gembira, then shout, " YeaHHHHH ".

I have family, I have myself, I have my pets and especially ALLAH. Allah is the only God I trust. For me, even though many of my cousins is Christian, but I never be influenced by their religion. I have my own religion, and I love it :) Saya memang budak yang x sesuai untuk dipanggil KAWAN, sebelum jumpa budak pekan pun dorang sudah start benci saya. Nda tau napa.

So ahh, I have a quote to share. It sounds like this, " A hungry man is an angry man ". Find it fast! It is very meaningful for me. Kay2, banyak cakap saya hari ni. Assalamualaikum and farewell ( will come back ) readers :)

Heart, Wendy Maslinda William

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